
Alma S.

August 29th, 2019

GREAT! I am a living, walking testimony! AHPC’s physical therapy has done wonders for me. After having bilateral hip surgery (replacement) and months of physical therapy, I can now run, walk, play, garden, and most all activities at home or way.

Allie N.

August 29th, 2019

I’m in better physical health than I was when I came two and a half months ago. I can contribute this to AHPC and my physical therapist.

Gladys H.

August 29th, 2019

The first day I came to AHPC, I was in such pain I could hardly move. My entire body was hurting! Today, after weeks of physical therapy I feel much better! The therapy has been amazing, (to say the least).

William J.

August 29th, 2019

When I first started my physical therapy, I had moderate pain in both knees, which sometimes became intense in the left knee; I also could not bend by knees to stoop down.